List of official tracks in RaceChrono track library

Track name Description Last modified
Borovaya Borovaya, Minsk 17.06.2019 18:56
Brest Karting Картодром - кемнинг ГФСК "АЛЬЯНС" 11.07.2016 15:21
Minsk-1 Raceway 2017 Minsk-1 Raceway (2017 layout) 13.03.2017 19:37
Стайки Minsk Stayki Raceway - Стайки Картинговая трасса 20.06.2022 18:05
Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Bahrain | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | Chile | China | Colombia | Costa Rica | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | El Salvador | Estonia | Finland | France | Georgia | Germany | Greece | Guatemala | Hungary | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kuwait | Latvia | Lebanon | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Malaysia | Mexico | Moldova | Monaco | Morocco | Mozambique | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nigeria | Norway | Pakistan | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Saudi-Arabia | Serbia | Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | South-Africa | South-Korea | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan | Thailand | Trinidad and Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States | Unknown | Uruguay | Venezuela | Vietnam | Zimbabwe |